For now we don’t have any review of Hogwarts Legacy. But when they will be available you could find aggregation of all reviews here. We will find all of reviews which will be relevant and we will link from this page.
Continue reading →Name ideas for Hogwarts Legacy
One of setting things which you could setup is your own name. Yes you could use some “emblematic” names which you were listen in Harry Potter. I’m created some first names and surnames which you should use as name ideas and also some funny names from HP.
Continue reading →Can we swim in Hogwarts Legacy?
There is a large lake on the school grounds. You’ll probably be able to walk all the way to the sea. You might be wondering, will we be able to swim in Hogwarts Legacy?
Continue reading →Creatures list for Hogwarts Legacy
What a magical world it would be if it lacked magical creatures. After a detailed list of spells, potions, I have a list of magical creatures for you. I will gradually develop and add to this article as the individual creatures are confirmed.
Continue reading →Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy
From trailers and gameplays we should know that room of requirement will be important to us. Yes of course there are common rooms of your house. But this room will be more important to you because this will be you “safe place” where you could improve yourself. Let’s take look what could be inside of Room of Requirement.
Continue reading →How many slots for saving game will be available in Hogwarts Legacy?
Harry Potter world is very popular in Muggle word and it can be expected that there could be more members of your household who want to play this particular game. You checked that your PC meet criteria and there is question how many slots will be available for savings?
Continue reading →Common rooms in Hogwarts Legacy
We know that for you will be important Room of Requirement but another important room will be common room of your house. In this room you could meet your friends from your house…
Continue reading →Potions list in Hogwarts Legacy
After spells there will be another important thing which will be potions. Your potions professor will be Aesop Sharp and if you will be successful in potions it could be good boost in fights or in stealth. Let’s take look on potions which will be available in Hogwarts Legacy.
Continue reading →Music and soundtrack for Hogwarts Legacy
We still don’t have available soundtrack for Hogwarts Legacy but we get “small tasting” in the form of a video where we could see some parts of soundtrack which is called “Overture to the Unwritten”…
Continue reading →Is Quidditch playable in Hogwarts Legacy?
If you love Quidditch – one of most popular sports in wizard word I have bad news for you. Because Quidditch won’t be available in base game Hogwarts Legacy. We could fly on brooms or Hippogriff if you have pre-order but we can’t play Quidditch.
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